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PublicationsMajor articles (JCR)Grobelny J., Michalski R. (2019). Effects of scatter plot initial solutions on regular grid facility layout algorithms in typical production models. Central European Journal of Operations Research.Grobelny J., Michalski R. (2019). Effects of scatter plot initial solutions on regular grid facility layout algorithms in typical production models. Central European Journal of Operations Research.

Grobelny J. (2015). Fuzzy-based linguistic patterns as a tool for the flexible assessment of a priority vector obtained by pairwise comparisons. Fuzzy Sets and Systems.Grobelny J. (2015). Fuzzy-based linguistic patterns as a tool for the flexible assessment of a priority vector obtained by pairwise comparisons. Fuzzy Sets and Systems.

Grobelny J., Michalski R. (2015). The role of background color, interletter spacing, and font size on preferences in the digital presentation of a product. Computers in Human Behavior, 43, 85-100.Grobelny J., Michalski R. (2015). The role of background color, interletter spacing, and font size on preferences in the digital presentation of a product. Computers in Human Behavior, 43, 85-100.

Michalski R., & Grobelny J. (2014). Designing emergency-medical-service helicopter interiors using virtual manikins. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 34(2), 16?23.Michalski R., & Grobelny J. (2014). Designing emergency-medical-service helicopter interiors using virtual manikins. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 34(2), 16?23.

Grobelny J., Michalski R. (2011). Various approaches to a human preference analysis in a digital signage display design, Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 21(6), 529-542.Grobelny J., Michalski R. (2011). Various approaches to a human preference analysis in a digital signage display design, Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 21(6), 529-542.

Michalski R. (2011). Examining users preferences towards vertical graphical toolbars in simple search and point tasks, Computers in Human Behavior, 27(6), 2308-2321.Michalski R. (2011). Examining users preferences towards vertical graphical toolbars in simple search and point tasks, Computers in Human Behavior, 27(6), 2308-2321.

Michalski R., Grobelny J. (2008). The role of colour preattentive processing in human-computer interaction task efficiency: a preliminary study, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 38, 321-332.Michalski R., Grobelny J. (2008). The role of colour preattentive processing in human-computer interaction task efficiency: a preliminary study, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 38, 321-332.

Michalski R., Grobelny J., Karwowski W. (2006). The effects of graphical interface design characteristics on human-computer interaction task efficiency. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 36, 959-977.Michalski R., Grobelny J., Karwowski W. (2006). The effects of graphical interface design characteristics on human-computer interaction task efficiency. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 36, 959-977.
Usability of graphical icons in the design of human-computer interfacesUsability of graphical icons in the design of human-computer interfaces

Other articlesThe role of web layout design factors in modeling the internet user behaviorThe role of web layout design factors in modeling the internet user behavior

Workload assessment predictability for Digital Human ModelsWorkload assessment predictability for Digital Human Models


CitationsExternal bibliometric databases
 SoftwareApolinexApolinex - Digital Human ModelingApolinex - Digital Human Modeling. The software system devoted to ergonomics modeling and design in the AutoCAD environment. The system's uses anthropometric mannequins, models vision capabilities, and allows for biomechanical analysis of the workload. The three-dimensional mannequin (model) is available inside an AutoCAD at any given time of the design process. Apolinex also generates the manikin's field of view. Apolinex has also the ability to calculate joint moments for specific body segments to assess the biomechanical workload.


SowaSowa - Subjective Overall Workload AssessmentSowa - Subjective Overall Workload Assessment. The subjective workload evaluation includes four fundamental dimensions: (1) Manual material handling, (2) Material work environment, (3) Body posture and movement, (4) Mental demand. Each of these dimensions is characterised by several attributes. SOWA takes into into account physical activity outside work, specifies relative importances of work dimensions, computes consistency of the obtained results, allows for comprehensive pain ailments evaluation, automatically generates and prints out questionnaires exports the results to Microsoft Excel



ResearchHuman-Computer Interaction
Interface design, usability, preattentive processing
Workload assessment, digital human modelling, facilities layout
E-business, digital signage, agent based models
 TeachingCourses taught
Ergonomics, Human-Computer Interactions, e-Business ...
Thesis supervision
PhD, Masters and Bachelors
exemplary topics
Office hours
Mondays 10:00 - 12:00
Fridays 14:00 - 16:00
Ergonomic analyses of products and work spaces
Expert and empirical analyses of software and website usability
Eye tracking
Oculographic analyses of human visual beavior
Jerzy Grobelny
Wroclaw University of Technology
16 Chelmonskiego St.
51-630 Wroclaw
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